As a visiting controller in VATSIM Romania, you can only provide ATC at your current rating.
We cannot offer you training towards your next ATC rating, this must be completed within your home division.
In order to ensure all VATSIM members have the most enjoyable and realistic experience possible,
VATSIM provides compulsory training for visiting controllers before they are certified to control ATC positions solo.
Mimimum requirement:
Spend minimum 10 hours per months.
Minimum Rating is S2 (with 20 hrs on this rank)
How to Apply:
Applying to become a visiting controller is a simple two-step process. Please follow the instructions below relevant to your
ATC rating (please note that I1, I3, SUP and ADM ratings are not relevant in this case).
1) Ensure that you are eligible as per the global VATSIM Transfer & Visiting Controller Policy.
2) But they can only do this with a minimum of a half an hour check ride.
3) Fill out the form below: